Education and Training Network

Collaboration is Key

Diversity of thought produces better plans.

This network is dedicated to school and vocational education and includes anti-system media and counter-information.

We want to counterbalance the monopoly of information, entertainment, school and university education, and employment-specific education.

There are huge wasted potentials of journalists, intellectuals, professors, academics, artists, actors, and sportsmen who are penalized in newsrooms, foundations, schools, universities, theaters, cinemas, and stadiums because they are not “woke.” Those who believe in God have to jump through hoops not to be “found out” and fired, not to be accused of “white supremacism,” or homophobia. Professionals with traditional values must self-censor or risk being ostracized by the System.

Yet these same God-fearing traditionalists will have an incredible opportunity when the Anti-Globalist Alliance allows them to become the protagonists and implementers of a “parallel” system of education, information, and entertainment.

Just think about it: If sportsmen and women started organizing themselves into avowedly no-woke teams and agreed to compete only in no-woke leagues, do you think sponsors would not consider this? And if sports activities for children and adolescents were organized in facilities that guarantee good morals and principled instructors, wouldn’t the parents benefit first and foremost, as well as society?

And what prevents a chain of movie theaters from endorsing the Anti-Globalist Alliance and offering only morally and ideologically sound film production?

Countless families find themselves exasperated by woke gender indoctrination to which their children, from the youngest to the oldest, are subjected.

Why not create avowedly anti-globalist schools, where parents are sure to see their children educated according to traditional curricula and with respect for religion and homeland history?

Why can’t the money we give to campuses to see our children corrupted and perverted go to colleges that banish woke culture and pass on the healthy values and principles we hold dear?

And why, instead of paying subscription fees to Netflix or Amazon, don’t we create our own thematic channels or help existing ones grow so that we can offer information and entertainment that is not infected with LGBTQ+ perversion and cancel culture?

If the elite has censored good things and given space to vices and violence, why should we not censor vices and violence and give their rightful space back to good things?

Again, I stress that being an anti-globalist will indeed become fashionable if only we resist the woke globalist elite by reforming our educational and training networks.

Beyond the undeniable improvement in the quality of services provided — whether schools, newsrooms, or otherwise — we must consider the additional benefit to individuals and society: giving an alternative to education, information, and entertainment professionals so that they can leave the limbo (or hell) in which they work, so they can find employment in new realities where they can give their best in keeping with the ideals and aims of anti-globalism.  The case of Tucker Carlson is an example. Tucker could have continued his broadcasting job peacefully, knowing that he was making an essential contribution to improving the current situation, with a decent salary and job security — so long as he did not cross certain red lines. Tucker found that not crossing those red lines was morally impossible for him. Tucker’s solution was to create his own alternative network—one in which he was censorship-free.

Saying “No!” is not something to be underestimated. By natural law, we pursue happiness—happiness the globalist elite do not want to experience.

The globalist demons know that in sadness and loneliness, we face the temptation to take refuge in drugs, psychotropic drugs, virtual reality, and pornography — all virtual reality markets in the hands of multinational corporations and the usual investment funds. The globalist elite dystopian dream is to force millions, if not billions, of people to live an existence designed specifically to demoralize them. The goal of the globalist demons is to engage in a psychological operation of social engineering such that the masses seeking to live a serene and peaceful life have as their only alternative to enter the dark virtual metaverse of drugs and lies the globalist elite have devised to manipulate them into slavery.

The anti-globalist alternative involves us retaking control of our lives and our future to build a new edifice with the stones of our broken homes.  These stones come from afar and carry the marks of the past, our lives, and history. We do not want globalist “magic” to transform our world into a promised utopian paradise. We want to return to a livable life because it is morally less prone to evil. After all, it is God-centric and less likely to be self-destructive because education and training systems are based on truth. And for this path of reclaiming what has been usurped from us — if only the right to have a blue sky, pure water, and natural food — we must start small, creating networks, weaving relationships with one another, and building communities locally — but all the while knowing how to think big.

Call to Action

Do you have any ideas or proposals related to the educational and training network? 

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