Medical and health professionals coming together to make a difference
One of the primary forms of opposition and resistance to the globalist coup has spontaneously organized around the psycho-pandemic farce. Since 2019, thousands of scientists, doctors, and healthcare professionals have begun questioning the mainstream narrative, suffering from decertification, salary suspension, and media pillorying. But the persecution did not stop them; on the contrary, it allowed for the assembly of increasingly numerous and widespread “no-vax” movements and groups. All over the world, associations and committees denouncing the adverse effects of serums and the irregularities committed by health authorities in dealing with COVID-19 succeeded in raising aware ness among the public and some opposition parliamentarians in many nations.
Obviously, it would not be a matter of bringing all these groups together into a single entity that would erase their specificities. Still, bringing together healthcare professionals dedicated to a genuine concept of human rights would create the basis for a future common project of public health reform.
If all these professionals unite and collaborate, they will not only be able to concretely help the millions of people who legitimately want to be treated according to science and conscience.
So united, these health professionals will also be able to identify the globally recurring elements that made possible the pandemic fraud of criminally administering to billions of people a drug that health authorities knew to be harmful, deadly, and sterilizing.

Suppose physicians, nurses, healthcare providers, hospitals, clinics, laboratories, pharmacies, and small pharmaceutical companies unite in this network. In that case, we can create that much-needed alternative to Big Pharma’s current monopoly. The alternative to Big Pharma would guarantee the population therapies, treatments, medicines, and care that conform to the Hippocratic Oath and respect the ethical principles of the art of medicine.
This healthcare network will eventually be able to make arrangements with ethical insurance companies, allowing citizens to be treated at member clinics or by physicians. A healthcare network formed under the banner of the Hippocratic Oath would take the patient-doctor out of the control of the government and Big Pharma, returning control over medical decisions to the doctor Page !11 of !23 and the patient, where genuine respect for human rights demands medical decisions must be made. This healthcare network would be able to collaborate with groups of lawyers and magistrates to assist its adherents (both doctors and patients) and to coordinate legal and conscientious objection actions.
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Call to Action
If you have any ideas or proposals related to the health network or would like to join as a physician or association in our project:
Click Here to Join the Health NetworkClick Here If You Have Questions or Proposals