Financial Network

The System’s main strength is, at the same time, its weakness. We are in a transition phase to a technocratic totalitarian system, and in this transition, some indispensable steps, such as digital ID and digital currency, have not yet been taken. The System controls the economy and finances in virtually all aspects except paper currency cash transactions.
The West, subservient to the globalist dictatorship, uses economic leverage that, while it does not share globalism’s ideological underpinnings and its criminal aims, supports it at least temporarily in pursuing its short-term goals. The sellers of Plexiglas, masks, and tampons who did a brisk business during the psycho-pandemic are not necessarily neo-Malthusians like Bill Gates or Klaus Schwab, just as some brands that adapt corporate communication to eco-sustainability and net-zero policy are not necessarily globalists, but tomorrow may find it more attractive to focus on product quality and the choice of local suppliers.
The perspective from which a business owner sees the creation of this “anti-globalist alternative” is the same as that of the artisan who makes custom-made clothes in a market dominated by the lowest quality ready-to-wear gear. Even if 90 percent of the population dresses in rags, 10 percent still want to dress elegantly. This small percentage still creates a lot of customers for tailors ready to make custom clothes. Given that the non-woke percentage of the population outnumbers the woke, the first firms to make non-woke, higher-quality attire will find themselves in a niche destined to expand. There are thousands of woke companies sharing a huge marked, while there are very few for the non-woke market. But in a niche that is certainly much larger than the tiny percentage of the woke market that one firm among a thousand other equals can hope to achieve. Companies will abandon Agenda 2030 virtue signaling as the woke agenda
Companies will abandon Agenda 2030 virtue signaling as the woke agenda begins to fail. The inevitable collapse of climate fraud is already foreseen: just look at how the major car manufacturers are discontinuing electric and reverting to the gasoline engine; this means that this market “migration” will happen anyway, as far-sighted entrepreneurs know. Companies that moved to wake to virtue signal only to increase sales will abandon Agenda 2030, DEI, ESG, eco-sustainability, and net zero emissions policies once projects like forcing all cars to be electric vehicles fail to gain consumer acceptance.
That is why we must expect that shortly, we will see a repositioning away from corporate woke globalism for which we must be prepared.

In finance, the Anti-Globalist Alliance’s alternative to international banking conglomerates involves restoring community banks financed largely by customers’ deposits. Community banks are dedicated to granting lines of credit to small- and medium-sized local enterprises comparable to the effort to combat globalism by supporting local craftsmen and artisans. If citizens begin to move their savings to these savings banks, with the certainty that their money will not be converted into digital currency or made subject to lending criteria based on the questionable parameters of eco-sustainability, the immediate effect would be a reduction in the liquidity of the banks in the hands of the globalist elite.
In finance, the Anti-Globalist Alliance’s alternative to international banking conglomerates involves restoring community banks financed largely by customers’ deposits. Community banks are dedicated to granting lines of credit to small- and medium-sized local enterprises comparable to the effort to combat globalism by supporting local craftsmen and artisans. If citizens begin to move their savings to these savings banks, with the certainty that their money will not be converted into digital currency or made subject to lending criteria based on the questionable parameters of eco-sustainability, the immediate effect would be a reduction in the liquidity of the banks in the hands of the globalist elite.
Along with this real reappropriation of savings, forms of resistance based on local currencies, i.e., units of exchange used voluntarily, with which goods and services can be exchanged, could be explored. These local currencies are designed to facilitate transactions and not for savings or investment: they are, therefore, to be used as an alternative or complementary to the official currency and have a parity exchange ratio with it; their issuance could be centralized at induced value, with zero debt: the amount of local currency issued would then be divided into equal parts among the members of the community who recognize its value, in this case the members of the Alliance or those who adhere to particular projects consistent with it.
Experiments in banks issuing local currency or merchants accepting cryptocurrency would also break central banks’ hold on money creation. Exchange units similar to credit vouchers could be denominated in local currency. The exchange units could be purchased by businesses or local governments and given to their employees in addition to the wages they already receive. Once issued, the exchange units could be spent in stores, supermarkets, restaurants, bars, etc., on everything including babysitting. The mere fact that people could exchange units for payments would constitute a recognition of their value. With exchange units issued by employers as a part of employee compensation, the employee would have an extra amount to spend in their paycheck, creating an immediate positive impact on the family budget.

If, then, businesses joining the Alliance were to accept payments in local money (units of exchange) — for example, by allowing them to pay for electricity bills, gasoline, and food supplies from the local markets — there would be an immediate benefit, on top of the significant savings from ethical pricing adopted by members of the various networks.

I believe that the forthcoming launch of the Anti-Globalist Alliance — which will accompany the publication of this Manifesto — will allow for the development of an ambitious — and morally praiseworthy — project, thanks to the contribution of all those who wish to participate.
The idea that moves the Alliance is to constitute a point of reference that allows for the implementation of forms of resistance to the World Economic Forum coup without necessarily wanting to impose a solution valid for all realities in all countries. The important thing on launch is to provide an Anti-Globalist Alliance forum to share our inspiring principles and understand the rationale that must govern concrete action.
Call to Action
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