Energy Network

Rising energy prices serve the destruction of the socioeconomic fabric of Western nations and outrageous speculation on both traditional and renewable sources. The Amsterdam energy exchange gives multinational corporations substantial profit margins. At the same time, contracts with the Russian Federation and other producers before the Ukrainian crisis and economic sanctions provided reliable natural gas supplies at agreed prices. Wind power and photovoltaics do not guarantee reserves or continuity, in addition to having a huge environmental impact and not being recyclable:

if Agenda 2030 imposes the green transition, it is only because, in this way, it centralizes control over the supply of energy to users — to whom it can technically be suspended or reduced remotely — and allows enormous profits for the construction and maintenance of wind and solar farms. On the other hand, to cooperate with big energy companies in this destruction of the national economy, the Deep State had to make them join the banquet by guaranteeing them huge profits.

Of course, when the globalist elite decided to digitize all our lives — transactions, interactions, relationships, interests, entertainment — they knew full well that this would entail an exorbitant amount of energy for the data centers and cloud facilities on which to house these many infinite data points: videos, audio, images, texts, phone calls, databases, purchases, health records, tax data, bank and credit card accounts—and all this for every citizen, for every moment of their life. Where do we expect to obtain this energy that was not needed until now, especially if we restrict the use of hydrocarbon fuels and nuclear power? From us, of course. We are the ones who have to use less energy, and what little we are given must cost more, so we are forced to reduce consumption anyway to benefit the globalist lobby.

The deception is even more paradoxical when we consider that, while they are pushing us to install solar photovoltaic systems, their accomplice Bill Gates has just begun experimenting with dimming the sun to reduce the temperature of the Earth. If Gates succeeds in his project, how will the reduction resulting from solar photovoltaics impact energy availability? It is the same deception as the green narrative: they cry about CO2 reduction but destroy entire forests that also feed on CO2 to produce oxygen. And this is what the lobby wants:
to force us to accept fraud as such, abdicating our reason.

Considering that the energy suppliers have no intention of giving up their shameful earnings and that the governments are complicit with the World Economic Forum, we need to organize ourselves to have our own energy supplier, which can be done through an energy consortium.

This consortium will unite companies to buy energy on the market, bypassing supplier speculation; a targeted advertising campaign will make it known to companies and individuals. The consortium will also form a nucleus of civil resistance of companies against the criminal aggression of the government, which uses the energy emergency as a tool to force smaller businesses into bankruptcy and to lay off their employees (who are forced into perpetual unemployment and to be recipients of the universal income that will turn them into slaves of the state)..

This consortium will unite companies to buy energy on the market, bypassing supplier speculation; a targeted advertising campaign will make it known to companies and individuals. The consortium will also form a nucleus of civil resistance of companies against the criminal aggression of the government, which uses the energy emergency as a tool to force smaller businesses into bankruptcy and to lay off their employees (who are forced into perpetual unemployment and to be recipients of the universal income that will turn them into slaves of the state)..

If you have any ideas or proposals related to the energy network, or if you wish to get more info about the Consortium

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